Inheritance Etiquette: Talking About Estate Planning With Your Family

Estate planning is a critical aspect of financial management that often goes unaddressed or overlooked within families. While it may seem uncomfortable to discuss, having open and honest conversations about estate planning and inheritance can foster understanding, minimize conflicts, and ensure that your loved ones are well-prepared for the future. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of inheritance etiquette and provide tips for discussing estate planning with your family.

Start Early and Be Proactive

Discussing estate planning and inheritance matters should not be delayed until it becomes urgent. Initiate the conversation early, preferably when everyone involved is healthy and of sound mind. By proactively addressing these topics, you can alleviate stress and ensure that everyone’s wishes are respected.

Choose the Right Time and Place

Selecting an appropriate setting for these conversations is crucial. Opt for a relaxed and private environment where everyone feels comfortable and can openly express their thoughts and concerns. Avoid discussing sensitive topics during family gatherings or when emotions may already be running high.

Approach the Discussion with Sensitivity

Estate planning conversations can be emotionally charged, as they involve contemplating the inevitable passing of loved ones. Approach the discussion with empathy and sensitivity, recognizing that different family members may have diverse perspectives and concerns. Encourage open dialogue and active listening to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and respected.

Communicate Your Intentions Clearly

Clearly communicate your intentions and goals regarding your estate plan. Explain why you have made specific decisions and how they align with your overall financial objectives. This transparency helps your family members understand your reasoning and reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings or conflicts later on.

Involve a Professional

Consider involving a professional wealth manager, financial advisor, or estate planning attorney to facilitate the conversation. Their expertise can provide guidance, answer technical questions, and ensure that all legal and financial aspects are thoroughly addressed. Having a neutral third party present can also help maintain a constructive atmosphere and provide unbiased insights.

Encourage Collaboration

Emphasize the importance of collaboration and cooperation among family members. Encourage them to express their concerns, aspirations, and expectations regarding the estate plan. Facilitate a discussion that allows everyone to contribute their thoughts and ideas. This collaborative approach can foster a sense of unity, minimize potential conflicts, and ensure that the estate plan is comprehensive and reflective of everyone’s needs.

Discuss Distribution Plans

Discussing how the assets will be distributed and who will receive what can be a sensitive subject. Clearly outline your wishes and be open to feedback and suggestions from your family members. Ensure that the distribution plan aligns with your values and intentions while taking into account the needs and circumstances of your loved ones.

Regularly Review and Update

Estate plans should not be considered set in stone. Life circumstances change, and it’s important to regularly review and update your plan accordingly. Encourage periodic discussions with your family to ensure that everyone is aware of any changes or updates and that the plan remains relevant and effective.


Engaging in conversations about estate planning and inheritance with your family might initially seem daunting, but it is a vital step toward maintaining family harmony and ensuring that your wishes are carried out. By following proper inheritance etiquette, starting early, and fostering open communication, you can alleviate potential conflicts, minimize uncertainties, and help your loved ones navigate this aspect of their financial future with clarity and understanding. Remember, a well-planned estate is not only a reflection of your financial acumen but also a testament to your love and consideration for your family’s well-being.

Get your estate plan reviewed by a professional. Talk to a Capital Growth advisor today and we’ll make sure everything’s up to date.

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