Capital Growth is a full-service wealth management team that understands your needs as well as the markets. With over 100 years of cumulative financial experience, we have the expertise to help you overcome obstacles and achieve financial success.
In this month’s “Spotlight” we’d like to introduce you to Erica, our Director of Client Services. If you’ve ever been to our office, chances are you’ve worked with Erica who is responsible for client on-boarding and overall experience. She works diligently with our client service associates and makes sure that everyone is receiving the highest level of service and seamless on-going client support.
Hi Erica! Let’s dive into this right away, shall we? What is your role at Capital Growth?
I’m the Director of Client Services. I make sure every client’s need is taken care of from a statement request to asset transfers. We want to make sure everyone is treated like a VIP. I’m also the resident expert on 401(k) rollovers.
Could you please tell us a bit more. As the Director of Client Services, what is your approach to client relations and how do you make sure that all clients are taken care of?
Whether it’s a simple or complex task, I treat everything expeditiously and of high importance. I want every client to feel like I’m here for them, I’m happy to help and I’ll deliver on my promise. I want to make sure every client receives that from all of our staff and I make sure that happens whether I’m involved or not.
That sounds like a great all round service! And what is your favorite part of the job?
My favorite part of my job is making our client’s life easier and gaining their trust. They know when I’m involved that everything will move smoothly from start to finish and in a timely manner. I enjoy hearing about our clients lives and getting to know them on a personal level, as well. I sincerely appreciate and enjoy the relationships I’ve built.
We love hearing about the personal touch that you put into every client! Now that tax season is over, do you have any tips on what to do with tax returns?
Come to our Free Shredding Event! You can come hang out with me, our staff and advisors and personally watch your sensitive and personal documents get shredded. Plus, donuts and coffee are served. Looking forward to seeing you there!
We’ll definitely be there! You mentioned that you specialize in 401(k) and various retirement plan transfers. If you could give people one piece of advice on retirement plans, what would it be?
You have choices when it comes to your 401(k) and retirement plans. You can leave them as is, you can transfer them to your current employer’s plan, you can roll them tax free to an IRA or you can take the taxable withdrawal. You can also do a combination of these choices. Each person’s situation is unique, but we can help you execute your decision. I often hear from clients “I didn’t know you guys helped with that.” Yes, we do! I’m very skilled in the rollover process and it generally takes less than 15 minutes to get it done. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or your financial advisor.
Thank you. What is your favorite activity outside of work?
I’m a volunteer soccer coach for my 7 year old daughter. I LOVE seeing the girls grow and succeed on the field. I love being with my family, cheering my kids on from the sidelines and meeting my mom friends for a well deserved glass of wine!

Wow! It seems like you’re wearing a lot of hats. As a busy working mom, how do you manage to have a good balance between work and family time?
First, it helps working at a firm that values family. My family is my first priority but I also love the time invested in my job and the success that I have found. Find a company that will sponsor your daughter’s soccer team, support your time with your family and allow you to always make decisions that put your family first. When you’re home, be home. Be present. Enjoy the little things. “The days are long, but the years are short.”
Thank you for the interview, it was a pleasure to get more personal with you! One last question, what is the best way for clients to get in touch with you?
Email me at or call our office at (858) 552-6960. Looking forward to hearing from you!